We are pleased to announce the completion of our 5th expansion scheme at All Saints C of E Primary School, part of Inspiring Primaries Academies Trust (IPAT) in Sapcote, Leicestershire. This scheme marks the final phase of the major expansion which has doubled the size of the school.
As a result of significant housing gain in the locality, we worked closely with the Trust, school and Leicestershire City Council to produce a multi phased masterplan in line with the projected pupil increase from 150 pupils to 420 pupils.
Initially we carried out a thorough area and net capacity assessment of the facilities and identified area deficiencies within the existing accommodation whilst considering options for expansion. The agreed plan proposed delivery in five phases over 6 years to match projected S106 receipts and ensure the primary school remained fully functional during the construction period.
The Five Phases of the Project:
Phase 1 - At the first stage of the expansion we extended the school to create an additional classroom for EYFS and an additional classroom for KS1 with wet areas, storage, toilet facilities and a cloakroom.
Phase 2 - Thereafter, we built an additional classroom for KS1, an additional classroom for KS2, and extended the existing KS2 playground.
Phase 3 - We further extended the school to create two new classrooms for KS2 as well as a staff room, small group rooms, a reception area with a lobby, a dedicated office for the headteacher and additional toilet facilities for pupils. In addition to this, we further extended the EYFS to create a new classroom, group room and cloakroom. The completion of this phase increased the capacity of the school to 1.5 FE (315 pupils).
Phase 4 - Next, we extended the main hall and created additional storage areas. Alongside this, we extended the KS1 area to create an additional classroom with wet area facilities, storage and a cloakroom as well as a small group room, cloak room and the addition of an outdoor play space outside of the Year 1 classrooms.
Phase 5 - In the final phase of work, we installed a new modular classroom block for Year 6 which consisted of two new classrooms, small group rooms, cloakrooms, storage and toilet facilities. The completion of this phase increased the capacity of the school to 2 FE (420 pupils).
Additional works carried out by YMD Boon:
In addition to the expansion schemes, and over the same period, we have carried out various condition works across the school buildings such as boiler replacements, replacement windows and doors and heating pipework repairs through the Condition Improvement Fund (CIF).
To accomplish this, we assisted the school by preparing all the documentation for each CIF bid, including condition surveys, proposed plans, project programmes, risk registers, contractor quotations, cost plans and cashflow forecasts.
Once the bids were successful, we worked with the school to move the schemes forward and managed the works through to completion, in a timely manner and within budget.
Can we support your school with an upcoming expansion project? Get in touch today!